Mobile Workforce Solution
People are a business greatest assets
Grow your people and grow your business is a philosophy we adhere to as we believe that it is the single most important area of investment in the company.
Unfortunately life is not perfect and neither are people, so how does a business gauge whether a person is an asset or a liability? In the office it’s far easier to do this, as you can monitor efficiency by the hours a day a person is at their desk and compare it to their output. In the field however your assets are your sales force, your support technicians, your delivery staff, being out of the office means out of sight and out of mind, or driving their managers out of their minds! That is why with our Mobile Workforce Management system you will provide your workforce with the required tools for them to grow along with your business.
J Mobile Staff
J Mobile Staff is a Windows Mobile based flexible and scalable route accounting system built on modern technology. JLAN Mobile combines order processing, payment processing, direct store delivery, off-truck sales, invoice management and settlement capabilities to streamline daily activities and help improve customer satisfaction- and that is good for business!
JLan Mobile
JLAN Mobile integrates selling, marketing and delivery efforts across your organization. Transform drivers and order takers into sales consultants by equipping them with tools to access up to date, order, customer and inventory information.
JLAN Mobile Suite includes
- JMobile Sales
- JMobile Routes
- JMobile Survey
- JMobile Server